A Blog by Expatriotic

Bitcoin podcasts

Podcasts are a great way to learn something new while working out or commuting. I've listened to months of content via podcasts. And here are my top picks for Bitcoin Podcasts at the moment. Just as a disclaimer, I'm working my way up from 2017 and I've only just now gotten to 2020. So there are some pods on my to-do list that I couldn't include here as I haven't listened yet. Notable guests are Erik Hersman, Vijay Boyapati, American HODL, Steve Barbour, Dan Held, Samourai Wallet, Bitcoin Sign Guy, Dave Collum, Pierre Rochard (as a guest), Matt Odell (as a guest), etc.

Rabbit Hole Recap & TFTC: A Bitcoin Podcast

My journey down the Bitcoin rabbit hole started with Rabbit Hole Recap with Marty Bent and Matt Odell. A weekly roundup about all things Bitcoin. I then found Marty's first podcast TFTC: A Bitcoin Podcast where he has interviews with various people (usually people from Twitter or people related to the Bitcoin space).

What Bitcoin Did

This led me to going back to Marty's first episodes of TFTC and working towards the present. At the same time I found What Bitcoin Did by Peter McCormack. Unfortunately his earlier stuff is behind a paywall, so I've only listened to a few episodes before I started over in 2017 and began moving forward from there.

Noded Bitcoin Podcast

From there I found the Noded Bitcoin Podcast with Bitstein and Pierre... I unfollowed after a while because it was mostly conversations with Bitcoin developers and talk about the 2nd layer implementation of Bitcoin,⚡️ Lightning. I later resubscribed... However, as someone who is more of a HODLer by nature, I have still have never used Lightning. Maybe when there's another bull market and transactions costs rise I will.

Stephan Livera Podcast

From there I stumbled upon the Stephan Livera Podcast, and that was a breath of fresh air. Just pure quality down the gullet. I still preferred the loose conversational style of Marty Bent's TFTC where he sips whiskey whilst whimsically wondering whether we will win. Stephan prefers to limit himself to one hour. Which I find unfortunate as it limits his guests from ripping loose. Stephan is also very cosy with KYC'd services like Unchained Capital and <Swan.com>... Services I'd never use because I fundamentally disagree with buying bitcoin whilst KYC'd. It's too much of a liability... Not to mention a honeypot for scammers, hackers, and the government who love when databases exists with names and addresses of people known to hold bitcoin.


Then I found BIT BUY BIT which was just incredible. As a former podcaster, I really identified with the premise of Max's show. He just wanted a place to discuss what he'd been hyper focused on in real life, but unfortunately his IRL friends and family didn't want to talk Bitcoin. So he found another outlet. And IT IS 🔥🔥🔥. He's spot on in so many ways. He gets the privacy angle, he get's the "Opt Out" angle. And then he interviews a great mix of plebs (a term of endearment for fellow bitcoiners). If I do a podcast I'd love to do have it be a marriage of TFTC and BIT BUY BIT.

Bottomshelf Bitcoin

I also found a great podcast called Bottomshelf Bitcoin that I really recommend the first 6-7 episodes of if you're a noob to the space. I think those first episodes were where Josh's star shined brightest.

I have other podcasts lined up to listen to, but their content begins after the date of me writing this, which is June 2020.

Currently reading The Sovereign Individual and it's blowing my mind

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